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Renter Safety

Description: Safety considerations for renters

Categories: Renting

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Renter's Guide: Ten Tips for Tenants
Know your rights when you rent a house or apartment. This information is available through the HUD website under Rental Assistance, More About Renting, Ten Tips every tenant should know.
View the published version with graphics

https://www.flocksafety.com/articles/is ... or-renters
"Living in close quarters to other tenants means you see a higher volume of foot traffic around you. We spoke to a Metro Atlanta Crime Prevention Officer who has spent time sharing with and helping communities implement safety best practices."

As a renter, you have limited options for adding security. But it might surprise you that there are tons of easy security measures you can implement—even in a large apartment building or complex.
We put together a guide to help you understand what apartment security factors to consider before signing a lease, plus things you can do after you move in to give yourself top-notch apartment security.

https://www.americanalarm.com/blog/esse ... ers-024729
Before you even move into a rental property, you should consider the safety of your potential new neighborhood. To make this task easier, several websites and apps are available to search for the crime statistics of neighborhoods you are interested in.

https://www.forbes.com/home-improvement ... partments/
You can never be too safe, especially when moving to a new place. Use the following apartment safety tips to keep you, your household, and your belongings out of harm’s way.