300 Conversation Starters
Description: 300 general questions to start conversations
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300 Questions to ask your friends
https://conversationstartersworld.com/q ... ur-friends
Start a new topic for each one you choose.
- 1 What do you want your retirement to look like?
2 What’s the best way to spend a vacation?
3 How much of an open book are you?
4 When are you most in your element?
5 What’s your way to vent stress?
6 Where is the most spectacular place you’ve been?
7 How important is looking good to you?
8 What was or is your favorite piece of clothing?
9 What famous person do you admire?
10 Would you ever open a business? If so, what type?
11 What’s your outlet for creativity?
12 What’s the most annoying thing you have to deal with on a daily basis?
13 What do you take for granted?
14 What do you consider pretentious?
15 What do most people just not get?
16 What did you learn too late?
17 What lesson was hardest for you to learn?
18 Who got a reputation they didn’t deserve?
19 What food do some people consider normal but you think is gross?
20 What did you learn way later than you should have?
21 What is something that everyone seems to love but you hate?
22 When was a time you were terrified?
23 Where do you feel most at home that isn’t home?
24 Who do you wish you could reconnect with?
25 What is the best present you’ve gotten?
26 When was a time you were falsely accused of something?
27 What small slight are you still upset about years after it happened?
28 What aged like milk?
29 When did you fake it till you made it?
30 Who depends on you the most?
31 What are your tribes?
32 How adventurous do you think you are?
33 When was the last time you did karaoke?
34 What is the most annoying new “innovation“?
35 How often do you get into political arguments with people?
36 What has changed most since you were a kid?
37 What do you think you’ll be like when you are old?
38 How do you think other people view you?
39 What’s the worst holiday?
40 What competition do you think you’d be most likely to win?
41 What’s the funniest band name you’ve heard of?
42 If you were in charge of designing a public park, what would it be like?
43 What upgrades to your belongings would you like to make?
44 What was/is your favorite pet?
45 What irrational fear do you have?
46 What is your go to snack or a snack you have a hard time stopping once you start?
47 What is the most tedious thing you have to do on a regular basis?
48 What’s is the coolest decorative thing you own?
49 How much did/do you like or hate school?
50 How comfortable do you feel in a crowd?
51 Do you think dreams have any significance or is it just your brain doing maintenance?
52 What job are you uniquely qualified for?
53 What questions should people ask each other more often?
54 What are some of your personal rules?
55 What are some of the worst things that people do to your favorite foods?
56 What are some of the best examples of the illusion of safety in daily life?
57 How much do you rely on other people?
58 What is you most treasured possession?
59 How gullible are you?
60 What is the funniest haircut you’ve seen in the wild?
61 What are some of the benefits of growing old?
62 What’s the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten?
63 What type of personality do you find most exhausting to be around?
64 What defines you most as a person?
65 Who is the funniest person you know?
66 Regardless of your age, what is your best “kids these days” rant?
67 What is the dirtiest bathroom or house you’ve seen?
68 What is the dumbest thing you’ve seen someone do in person?
69 What idea or ideas would you love to act on if you had the time, money, and/or know how?
70 What is something that happened recently that took you completely off guard?
71 What are you putting off?
72 What is your best story about one of your teachers?
73 Do you think the present is better than 15 years ago? Why or why not?
74 What kind of first impression do you think you give?
75 What are some of the most “backwards” things about your country, how about some of the most “progressive” things?
76 How do you feel about the direction your life is headed?
77 What do you think of the advances in AI, optimistic or nervous?
78 Do you believe in absolute truth?
79 What kinds of beliefs or values have shaped history the most?
80 Do you think once an invention becomes possible, it’s inevitable that someone will invent it?
81 How accurate do you think some of the stereotypes are for certain countries? What stereotypes do people have about your country?
82 Do you think the place where you get your news presents an accurate picture of the world? How could it be improved?
83 How could your work or school be better than it is now?
84 What do you think about your/our country’s tax system?
85 What do you consider to be some prestigious jobs? Do you think you would be good at any of them?
86 Would you ever volunteer to join the military?
87 What, besides posture, do you constantly have to remind yourself of?
88 What radically new forms of government can you think of?
89 What kind of long-term career goals do you have, if any?
90 What do you need more practice doing?
91 How much of a person’s personality is up to them and how much is just who they are?
92 Why do you think people like the things they like? Is it all environmental influence or do you think some preferences are genetic?
93 What did your hideouts look like when you were a kid?
94 What dressings do you choose for different types of food? (Salad, wings, baked potatoes, etc.)
95 What are some things you began but never finished?
96 What kind of advantages does your personal history give you?
97 What do you need a crash course in?
98 How important are borders when it comes to countries?
99 What’s your opinion on cabins? Creepy, cozy, or somewhere in between?
100 What just isn’t fair?
101 How tenacious are you?
102 What totally wrong search or social media algorithm choices have you had a hard time shaking?
103 How good are social media algorithms with your tastes?
104 If you had a big red button, and could assign it to do one thing every time you pressed it, what would you want it to do?
105 What elaborate prank do you wish you could pull on someone?
106 What leaps of faith have you taken and how did they turn out?
107 What do you think the most annoying thing you do on a regular basis?
108 What would you say is your best quality?
109 What function of the body do you wish we do away with?
110 If existence is just a simulation, what would be the name of the game?
111 What would be the most disturbing thing to throw up?
112 What would the creepiest horror monster be like?
113 If you had to sleep on food every night, what food would you choose?
114 What kind of tail would you want if you had to get one?
115 What would be a better name for a brain?
116 What would be the funniest thing to randomly come out of your shower head while taking a shower?
117 If you had to design a completely new instrument, what would it be?
118 If body parts could talk, what would different ones say?
119 What would be the most inconvenient thing to make a house out of?
120 What would the be the funniest animals to train to dance?
121 What would you wait in line for a week to get?
122 How would you make funeral fun? A “fun”eral if you will.
123 If you could change a planet in our solar system into an object that would keep the same planetary size and mass, what object would you choose?
124 What food would you want to grow from your hands instead of fingers?
125 If trees could talk, what would they sound like?
126 When is reality least real for you?
127 Where would be a cool place to throw some more joints and muscles in our bodies?
128 If you could be half animal like a mermaid or centaur, what animal would you choose?
129 Where would be the funniest place to make 1 ton of pudding instantly appear?
130 If people’s names had to be changed to accurately describe the person, what would our new names be?
131 Which condiment would be the funnest to swim in and which would be the worse?
132 What would you do with a mirror that shows what your body looks like beneath the skin?
133 If you could start a new fashion trend and no matter how silly it was people would take it seriously, what would be the funniest trend to start?
134 If you found a new species (your choice of what it is/looks like) and got to name it, what would you name it?
135 What mythical creature do you wish you had as a pet?
136 What is the most trouble you could get into with a 200 pound bag of those polymer beads that grow in water?
137 If tattoos could move and loop like gifs, what would be the most annoying thing to get tattooed on you and where?
138 What could you do to make a good tasting desert pasta? The one rule being it must use normal pasta.
139 What competition would you like to create and what would the trophy look like? And remember you can at anytime in you life just buy a trophy for yourself or someone else.
140 Sunscreen protects you from the sun, what other things do you wish you could defend against with a daily applied cream?
141 If you were trapped in a room for a week, and the walls ceiling and floor were painted one color, what would the best and worst color for the room to be?
142 Where do you fall on an alignment scale? *
143 If you could be anywhere in the world when a 50 mile in diameter impenetrable (except for liquids and gases like air), inescapable, eternal bubble appeared with you in the exact center, where would you want to be standing?
144 Would you want to be put into a comfortable alien zoo and be a small part of a larger universe? Or keep your autonomy and not know if aliens exist or not?
145 If you became famous and a city wanted to make a statue of you, what pose would you want to be in?
146 What expression would you like to be in popular use and what would it mean / how would it be used?
147 If you were born 500 years ago (and made it to adulthood), what kind of job do you think you’d be good at?
148 Can you give me an example of a great but bad idea?
149 What’s the funniest thing you could shoot
150 from a cannon?
151 If you got 5$ for every minute you sat without moving how long do think you could sit?
152 What keeps you going?
153 What are some things that would seem really weird if they were turned a different color?
154 What household object best represents your personality?
155 If you had a personal flag, what would it look like?
156 If you were given a free sitting for a very large and professional painted portrait of yourself, how would you want yourself to be portrayed?
157 You find a trap door hidden in your house or apartment, what do you hope to find inside? What are you afraid you’ll find inside?
158 What would be the worst thing to make a sofa out of?
159 What kind of crazy ad campaign would you like to see a company run? Even if it means driving the company into the ground.
160 What crazy or stupid statue would you like to see put up?
161 What would be the weirdest thing to find in the basement of a hospital?
162 Would you be a hermit with no technology and no human interaction for 5 years but you were paid 100k a year and food and cave were included?
163 If you had a disease named after you, what would you want the symptoms to be?
164 What is the grossest thing you could have a vat full of?
165 What mythical creature creeps you out the most?
166 What would be the most fun yet efficient way to move people around a big city?
167 What would be the most entertaining way countries could settle their disputes?
168 If you had a big red button, and could assign it to do one thing every time you pressed it, what would you want it to do?
169 Where does a person’s worth come from?
170 When things go wrong do you blame yourself or others more?
171 How much does your personality change around different groups of people?
172 What are some of the turning points of your life?
173 How often do you leave your comfort zone?
174 Who do you turn to when things get bad?
175 Who causes you the most stress?
176 What does our society need most?
177 What dream did you give up on?
178 Who do you wish you could apologize to?
179 What is your self destructive habit?
180 What is taboo that shouldn’t be?
181 When was the last time you were ashamed by how you handled a situation?
182 What do you fear most?
183 What are some good and bad things about the culture you grew up in?
184 What kind of parent do you think you’d make? Or if they have a kid, what’s different about parenting than what you expected?
185 How good of a person are you?
186 How can we know if how we perceive colors is how others perceive that color? How do we know that colors don’t look different to everyone?
187 Why do some people crave power over others?
188 How well do you think the mind can understand itself?
189 What flaws in human nature hold humanity back?
190 How much control do we have over the workings of our autonomous body functions do you think we have?
191 When do you feel most alone?
192 What are you most insecure about?
193 How would we tell if we were actually living in a simulation?
194 What responsibilities, if any, do tech companies have to control how people use their platforms and what content shows up on them?
195 How do you think our friendship will change over time as we get older and our life circumstances change?
196 What would the colors of infrared and ultraviolet look like if we could see them?
197 How do you deal with trauma?
198 Why do you think people feel so empty in the modern world, or is this how it’s always been?
199 Do you think shame is a natural human emotion or something that society drills into us?
200 What do you think the evolutionary reason is for humans basing so many of their choices on emotions?
201 Why do humans create art?
202 What is your reason for getting out of bed in the morning?
203 Do you think animals have a sense of right and wrong or is it just humans?
204 How big of a part should work be in a person’s life?
205 What causes are most deserving of people’s time and charity?
206 Are wars inevitable as long as humans exist?
207 What do you think is the secret to keeping a child like sense of wonder and avoid becoming jaded?
208 What’s is the biggest impediment to innovation?
209 How do you think the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligent life would impact society?
210 How much does your past define you?
211 What is the most worthwhile personal goal to work towards?
212 What are the biggest factors in a smoothly running society?
213 Why do you think humans find round numbers so appealing?
214 Why do you think most people are nervous about change? Do you think humanity would be better off if we were quicker to embrace change or do you think we would have been wiped out as a species?
215 What do you need help with the most?
216 Who do you think actually knows what they are doing and has a good handle on things?
217 What things do you feel like you’ve lost as you’ve gotten older? What do you think you’ve gained? (Not like socks, more like a sense of purpose or faith in humanity.)
218 What do you think is worth going to war over? Would that change if you or your children had to fight versus if other people had to?
219 What do you think your country could use more of and what could it use less of?
220 What do you consider to be your biggest failure?
221 Is it ever possible for a reporter to be completely unbiased? Do you think you would enjoy news that was totally unbiased?
222 How important is having a status quo for society?
223 How do you think our country will fare in the next five years?
224 What do you think the some of the most important things a city government can do for its residents?
225 What do you have a hard time accepting?
226 What or who are you most loyal to?
227 How do you decide if a person can be trusted?
228 Why do you think people have a hard time appreciating what they have until they lose it?
229 What makes you believe or not believe in fate?
230 What do you want your funeral to be like?
231 How well do you know yourself?
232 What lies do you tell yourself?
233 What have you become disenchanted by?
234 What does healthy conflict or disagreement look like?
235 What would you want on your tombstone?
236 Why do you think most people are so keen to judge other people?
237 Why is it so hard for people to see things in shades of gray instead of black and white?
238 How much does your past shape you? What parts have shaped you the most?
239 How much do you think you improve the lives of the people around you?
240 Why do you like the bands/performers that you like?
241 What was your worst travel experience?
242 What was the most important chance encounter you’ve had?
243 What is the process for making your favorite dish?
244 What is a good life?
245 How did going to school shape you as a person?
246 How important do you think self-improvement is?
247 What will the future of war look like?
248 What strategies do you use to make big decisions?
249 What are some of your plans for the future?
250 How would you explain the idea of justice to an alien?
251 Why does happiness come easily to some but not others?
252 What policies could the government implement to improve people’s health?
253 What was the scariest dream you’ve had?
254 What life hacks have you found to be particularly effective?
255 If you could design a reality TV show, what would it be like?
256 What combinations of flavors do you like, and why do they taste so good?
257 Why do people laugh?
258 How have standards of beauty changed in your lifetime?
259 What is your best work or school story?
260 What is the most calming image you can conjure up in your mind?
261 Why do some words sound funny to us?
262 What are the best and worst things about your favorite restaurant?
263 How would your country change if children were allowed to vote?
264 What experiments would you like to run if time and money weren’t an issue?
265 How would the world change if some people could use magic spells, and some people could not?
266 How could your boss/teacher do their job better?
267 Why is it so hard to learn from our mistakes?
268 What is the reasoning behind your most controversial opinion?
269 How do you usually celebrate some of the major holidays?
270 What valuable lessons should we learn from history?
271 How has photography changed the world?
272 How do your values differ from others?
273 Why do humans build monumental structures?
274 How do you wish your country would change?
275 What completely baseless conspiracy would you like to start?
276 How would you tweak the Olympics to make them even more enjoyable?
277 How did the most pivotal moments of your childhood change you?
278 What social situations do you dread?
279 How has coffee shaped the course of human history?
280 What is your routine for an average weekday?
281 What does the media do well, and what do they do poorly in their service to the public?
282 What happened in the funniest YouTube video you’ve seen?
283 Why do some people prefer cats, some prefer dogs, and some dislike both?
284 What’s the story behind how you met your best friend?
285 When does scientific research become unethical?
286 What would happen during the best day imaginable?
287 What makes a song catchy?
288 What’s the worst work mistake you’ve made?
289 What would your perfect house look like?
290 What questions can you ask to learn the most about a person?
291 Why do people like watching movies that scare them or make them sad?
292 What makes your favorite place you’ve been better than all the other places you’ve been to?
293 What would your utopia look like?
294 How would you prepare for a zombie apocalypse?
295 How do you think genetic engineering will change the world in the future?
296 What is the plot of your favorite movie or book?
297 How should governments fix widening income gaps in countries that have them?
298 Why are games fun?
299 When was a time that politeness or good manners have gotten you into trouble?
300 What would your perfect vacation be like?
301 How would society change if we discovered that ghosts actually exist?
302 What is art?
303 What would be the effects of the internet shutting down?
304 How did you come to like some of the hobbies you enjoy?
305 What is your favorite memory related to a holiday?
306 What makes you look up to your heroes?
307 What would your ideal partner be like?
308 How would the world change if suddenly everyone could read each other’s thoughts?
309 What’s the weirdest internet rabbit hole you’ve been down?
310 What are the conditions for something to be considered alive?
311 How does a car engine work?
312 In what ways do you think the current generation is different from your generation?
313 Given unlimited resources, how would you go about making the world a better place?
314 What would be in a playground made for adults?
315 What is your “happy place” like?
316 What would be the most significant advantages and disadvantages of humans colonizing a different planet?
317 Why are humans so driven to find answers to mysteries?
318 What’s the funniest criminal misadventure story you’ve heard?
319 If you had $200,000 to spend on a party, how would you spend the money?
320 How will phones change in the future?
321 If you had enough money to never work, what your typical day look like?
322 How could humanity go about colonizing other planets?
323 What do you think TV shows in 30 years will be like?
324 What would a car specially designed for you look and be like?
325 What makes you who you are?
326 What is the funniest true story you’ve heard?
327 How would you handle integrating someone who had been frozen for 100 years into society?
328 Why do you think that humans find other animals’ babies cute?
329 How did your country’s most significant historical moments change the fabric of society?
330 In what ways do you sabotage yourself?
331 How could your local government improve your town or city?
332 Why do conspiracy theories appeal to so many people?
333 What makes you like or dislike a person?
334 What are some of the limitations of capitalism?
335 What would the best amusement park in the world look like?
336 What are some of society’s unwritten rules?
337 How does your body and mind react to stress?
338 What are your top 3 rules for navigating life?
339 How does your favorite memory play out?