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Homes on Wheels Alliance - HOWA

Resources for the Nomad life.
Site Admin
Posts: 863
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:05 pm
Location: Washington/Oregon

Homes on Wheels Alliance - HOWA


Post by MavrikManna »

From their site:
" We’re glad you found the Homes On Wheels Alliance (HOWA) website. HOWA is a 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to helping people get into safe and secure homes on wheels. Our largest need-based programs are the Nomad Emergency Fund and the Improvements of Vehicle-Homes. We also bring nomads together for learning and community at the In-Person Caravans, Virtual Caravans, and at the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTRs)."

word count: 77

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