Landlords and land owners

If your county is not listed then this is the place for landlords to offer places for rent.
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Posts: 820
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:05 pm
Location: Washington/Oregon

Landlords and land owners


Unread post by MavrikManna »

Please coordinate getting together people seem compatible in shared housing units. If you have something for sale you may post that also.  If there is an open plot for sale where someone could pull in a mobile home and start living free of political encumbrances these would be exceptionally good offerings. Feel free to use the interview chat rooms when potential matches are made.

Example: Puyallup WA, room for rent in shared housing, male/female preferred, non- smoking or swearing unit,

Example: Puyallup WA, single/1 family unit,

🧡, ☀️, and 🌱(life)

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