Hang out here and get to know each other.
Alcove Chat Room
Tell me that you want a private pool and the password you want in a private message (PM). I'll set it up for you. There are three ready right now. I can make more as we need them. There are no posts in those pools. You get to make the first ones. Each one has its own chat room. Have fun!

Also it might help if you had a weekly meet up place. I could put it under your Pool name so newb's can find you.
One more thing. These are for all 3 N. American countries.

(If you can find me a sombrero emoji I'd appreciate it. I found a taco
Take-Your-Time Lounge & Chat Room... viewforum.php?f=1044
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Ideas for Helpful People to Help... viewforum.php?f=365