Renters & buyers
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:46 pm
Please post your preferences for roommates- male /female, smoking/language/religious preference, preferred age group - 18-35; 35 -50; 50+; no preference. Start with your city and the type of situation(s) you want. This may make for faster searches. Feel free to use the interview chat rooms when potential matches are made.
Example: Seattle WA, shared housing, females, no smoking or swearing, age 50+, religion-no preference
Example: Seattle WA, single/1 family unit,
You may also collaborate to purchase land.
Example: Seattle WA, shared housing, females, no smoking or swearing, age 50+, religion-no preference
Example: Seattle WA, single/1 family unit,
You may also collaborate to purchase land.