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Lists - Call 211 - Visit DSHS

If one is already homeless there are services, agencies, people, and self-help available. Stay Safe!
Site Admin
Posts: 863
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:05 pm
Location: Washington/Oregon

Lists - Call 211 - Visit DSHS


Post by MavrikManna »

211 is the states resources hotline. Most states have this. Its like 911 only with a 2 instead of the 9. Have your zip code handy when you call. Ask specifically for what you need. You are not alone and you're not the first. They have heard it all.

Visit your local DSHS office and see what they have for you. (Department of Social and Health Services)

Get on as many lists as you can for shelters, etc. You never know what might open up first. 📃

Look up LNT- Leave No Trace.
Take trash to gas stations, car washes, laundry mats. Can ask a friend if you can use their trash can. Ask your church ⛪ minister person to use their dumpster.
Be mindful of any and all Honey Bucket toilets in your area.
Get a portable toilet. Use with leak proof trash can liners and pelletized animal bedding. Throw out in trash cans.

Find showers in your area. Some YMCA have free shower programs. Other places might also. Tacoma WA has traveling showers/laundry trailer. Get their schedule.

Read thread... viewforum.php?f=152  Preparing for being homeless. See if you can upgrade your situation.
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