Board Announcement 🗣️ Welcome! This board is new. Please help get it started by posting in your state or province and any where else you feel inclined. Thank you for coming here and being part of a solution to a very big problem. You are making a difference just by coming here and posting!
I will be adding extensions periodically to enhance this site. When this happens the board may blip on and off periodically. It shouldn't last more than a couple of minutes if it blips off. It just means that I added an extension that didn't work with the site and I have to take it right back off again. So you can know it's not your device doing it. Admin.

Territories Landlords / Propriétaires

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  • Landlords to Avoid/Propriétaires à éviter
    Some landlords need to be placed in this category. Any entry here must be approved by admin/moderator. Please include a way for admin to contact suspected landlord. This forum is locked.
    Google Translate:
    Certains propriétaires doivent être placés dans cette catégorie. Toute entrée ici doit être approuvée par l'administrateur/modérateur. Veuillez inclure un moyen pour l'administrateur de contacter le propriétaire suspect. Ce forum est verrouillé.
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