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Resources for the Nomad life.
Site Admin
Posts: 863
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:05 pm
Location: Washington/Oregon


Post by MavrikManna »
Car, Van and Campervan living.

From their site:


What is this site about? Well it is about living in cars, vans, trucks or campervans on a minimum income. It is about both planned and unplanned vehicle living. That is living in a car or other vehicle by deliberate choice, or by having no other choice.

So why have I made this web site? Mostly because I want to help people who may find themselves in this situation. I have been homeless before. I've lived in a little shed I built in the bush out of scrap corrugated iron. When I was at university I slept in hidden roof spaces and machine rooms in the university. Later on I slept in my car overnight many times while road tripping. Finally, now I am living in a large campervan, a converted bus. I have some experiences and advice I want to share. I also wanted to do this on a web site of my own instead of one of those bloggs or freebie web sites out there so there will be no silly pop up adds and I have control over how it will appear online.

What is the aim of the web site?

The aim of this web site is to provide practical advice for people living in vehicles."
word count: 224

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