Board Announcement 🗣️ Welcome! This board is new. Please help get it started by posting in your state or province and any where else you feel inclined. Thank you for coming here and being part of a solution to a very big problem. You are making a difference just by coming here and posting!
I will be adding extensions periodically to enhance this site. When this happens the board may blip on and off periodically. It shouldn't last more than a couple of minutes if it blips off. It just means that I added an extension that didn't work with the site and I have to take it right back off again. So you can know it's not your device doing it. Admin.

How to use this board.

Site Admin
Posts: 863
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:05 pm
Location: Washington/Oregon

How to use this board.


Post by MavrikManna »

This message board is for making connection only. There is not to be any exchange of money, personally identifying information on this board. This protects every ones safety. When you make a connection here, please take that connection private.
Use made up names/avatars. You can change your User name in your User Control Panel. Click on your name.
Use general terms when describing the situation you are looking for

Post in the proper section.
If your county is listed then please post in your county.
If your county is not listed then post in the state wide forums.
To gather by religious denomination then go to the Mobile SPOP section where main church denominations are listed. viewforum.php?f=153
Follow all other rules for this board.

This board has a translator in the upper right hand corner. You can post in any language that it supports. Otherwise please post a translation for your post.
word count: 156

🧡, ☀️, and 🌱(life)

Admin & Founder (board owner) :geek:
Talk to me...viewtopic.php?t=3

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Site Admin
Posts: 863
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:05 pm
Location: Washington/Oregon

Landlords and land owners


Post by MavrikManna »

Please include as much of this information as is appropriate.For shared housing/roommates please coordinate - male/female, smoking, language (includes swearing and non-swearing), religious, age preferences. 
  1. Property contact's name.
  2. Company or organization.
  3. Home type.
  4. What is the city and zip code.
  5. In what state, county is your property located if not otherwise shown?
  6. Number of bedrooms available?
  7. How many bathrooms are there in the unit?
  8. When will the unit be available?
  9. What are you asking in monthly rent for the property?
  10. Will utilities be included?
  11. Are pets allowed?
  12. How many parking stalls will be available?
  13. What is the best way for people to contact you?
  14. Any comments or notes to add?
word count: 114

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Site Admin
Posts: 863
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:05 pm
Location: Washington/Oregon

Renters & buyers


Post by MavrikManna »

This board is basically set up like Craig's List. You can send emails through this board and no one will see your email address. You may want to give the basics of your situation if you are wanting roommates/shared housing so others can find you.

Name (on this board)
What is the size of your household?
Preferred contact information
Male/female, smoking, language (includes swearing and non-swearing), religious, age preferences.
Comments or notes
word count: 76

🧡, ☀️, and 🌱(life)

Admin & Founder (board owner) :geek:
Talk to me...viewtopic.php?t=3

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