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LTVA ~ Long-Term Visitor Areas

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Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:05 pm
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LTVA ~ Long-Term Visitor Areas


Post by MavrikManna »

Long-Term Visitor Areas
Because LTVAs are special permit areas and not developed campgrounds, the Golden Eagle, Golden Age, Golden Access Passports, and America the Beautiful Pass discounts DO NOT apply to LTVA permit fees. ... -requested

LTVA Map ... ap-508.pdf ... amping.pdf

Fees ... sitor-area

BLM LTVA – That’s a lot of letters. It stands for Bureau of Land Management Long Term Visitors Area. LTVAs are places that have been set aside for campers who would like to stay in one area for more than the normal 14 day allotted limit.

"A flat fee is paid for a permit. Once a permit is purchased, the holder can stay put or move to other BLM LTVAs during that season. The BLM in Arizona has created winter LTVAs. California BLM offers both summer LTVAs and winter LTVAs. There are also non-LTVA, BLM areas where you can purchase a season pass for that area.

There are 11 BLM LTVAs. They are located in either California or Arizona. LTVAs usually have facilities like restrooms, trash services, dump stations, and fresh water. Many of the LTVAs in California also have picnic tables and fire rings with BBQ grills. Some locations have special features like hot springs and stages where campers perform. Over the season, an LTVA can become quite the community. Many who stay at them have done so every season for years and have created lasting friendships."

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