Safety Tips

It's scary out there. Be proactive concerning your personal safety.
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Safety Tips


Unread post by MavrikManna »

Key factors.
A) Use places where you know you are welcome!
B) Minimize complaint potential.
C) Don't smell bad. It's a give-a-way that can make you a target. ("Man Wipes" can be purchased at truck stops. Not kidding.)

:arrow: Hang out or park in well lit areas.
:arrow: Carry bear spray, tazer, etc. (People hit, dogs bite, cats scratch, be prepared.)
:arrow: If you're on foot 👟👟 or bike 🚲 wear a high visibility vest 🦺. Many homeless people are accidentally hit by cars every month.
:arrow: Use the buddy system whenever possible. People that are attacked are usually alone.
:arrow: See Mobile SPOP thread... Safe Parking Orca Pods
:arrow: Hide your cell phone when you're not using or charging it.
:arrow: Day time hang outs: parks, public libraries, community centers, certain stores, Starbucks (you don't have to buy anything and they have free wi-fi).

:arrow: If you park in an area where semi's park then scoot into a corner or close to an edge and leave the wide open spaces for those 10 foot trucks to maneuver with their 53 foot trailers. If you do that they wont mind you being there.
If you park in a truck parking spot at a rest area then park at the beginning of the spot. Don't move up even with their front bumpers. Keep your back bumper in line with their back bumpers. This way new trucks coming in can see you are there. This is important.

:arrow: If you're on foot 👣 or 🚲 please wear a high visibility vest 🦺.

Circle the Wagons
If there is more than one the wagons!
If there are people on foot with people in cars then leave a big enough space between the cars so those sleeping on the ground can have a place inside the circle of cars for their added protection.

Take-Your-Time Lounge & Chat Room... viewforum.php?f=1044
Prepare for being unhoused...               viewforum.php?f=152
Already Homeless? There's help...         viewforum.php?f=153
Ideas for Helpful People to Help...        viewforum.php?f=365

🧡, ☀️, and 🌱(life)

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