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places to sleep.

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places to sleep.


Post by MavrikManna »

Trucker Path ~ I used this app for 2 years while I was driving a semi. Then I heard they loaded it with ads. The information is still good. What I like best about it is that it shows every single spot along even the most remote roads where a semi can pull over and park for the night. Even spots that will only hold one or two trucks! A place that can hold one truck can hold 3 to 5 cars. Just saying. A pull off is a pull off. If you are in a "4 wheeler" then please park snug to a corner or off to the side so a truck also has room to join you. They will be happy to have your company.
I would not use truck stops unless you know they also allow cars overnight. Call ahead. :ugeek:

Other truck parking apps:
Park My Rig
Park My Truck
Truckbubba ... rking-app/

Some of the below I don't recommend.  But the man states that, also.
You can always ask the police where you can sleep. Most times they will give you good information. 

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